Eleusina with about 25,000 inhabitants is just 20 km from the center of Athens. A relatively small town with its own history and culture, and it was only in November 2016 that it received the European Capital of Culture award for 2021.
The best month to visit Elefsina would be probably September. Having left behind the heat of the summer and welcoming the month with the intense artistic complexion.
The festival of Aeschylia
Elefsina, therefore, could not miss this celebration of arts and culture. Thus, in the last few years, the institution of Aeschylion has been established. The Aeschylia Festival hosts theater performances, music scenes, exhibitions, screenings, conferences, and lectures. The Festival takes place at the premises of the Old Olive Shop, which was founded in 1875.
The sightseeing
Arriving in Elefsina, it is worthwhile to start your walk from the central square, Heroes Square, and cross the pedestrian walkway to the beach. Most of the route to your right is the archaeological site of the city and the museum. While at the top of the mountain you see the chapel of the Eisodion of Panagia with its bell tower and the big watch.
On the left side, there are shops for coffee, food or drink. Unfortunately, many of these have been closed lately, but this does not limit your choices.
Approved Tip 1: Enjoy your coffee or your wine in En Etei or Epi Pericleous. These are two wonderful dining venues with unique décor and a variety of beverages.
Approved Tip 2: As far as the food, we suggest you not to restrict yourself only to the square, since you will find remarkable tsipouradika and taverns, overlooking the historic chapel of St. Zacharias.
Someone would say that Elefsina is a city with contrasts. On one hand its cultural corners and on the other one the industrial units, the cranes and the gray element. A cultural and industrial city at the same time.
Continuing your way to the beach, you can enjoy your ride on the jets, the summer cinema or you can visit the Kronos-Iris industrial estate and the new harbor.
You will find out that Eleusis has been a pole of attraction for refugees, immigrants, islanders and all those people looking for work in its industrial units. Elefsina from the word “elefsis” (arrival) ! A pass for good food and calm walks into the sea.